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Britax Click & Go Adapters for Bugaboo Buffalo & Fox Pushchairs The New Click & Go adapters mean that you can fit the Britax Baby Safe i-Size car seat onto the Bugaboo Buffalo and Fox models of pushchair. PLEASE NOTE the current range of Britax Romer Baby Safe seats require Universal (Maxi Cosi) Adapters. These adapters are for the older Baby-Safe car seats.
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Britax Click & Go Adapters for Bugaboo Cameleon3 Pushchair! The New Click & Go adapters mean that you can fit the Britax Baby Safe i-Size car seat onto the Bugaboo Cameleon3 pushchair. PLEASE NOTE the current range of Britax Romer Baby Safe seats require Universal (Maxi Cosi) Adapters. These adapters are for the older Baby-Safe car seats.
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CLICK & GO® Infant Carrier Adapter – B-AGILE M/R Securely fit your infant carrier With our CLICK & GO® infant carrier adapters for B-AGILE you can easily and securely fit the following infant carriers on the B-AGILE M or B-AGILE R, giving you a flexible travel system. BRITAX RÖMER BABY-SAFE 3 i-SIZE BRITAX RÖMER BABY-SAFE iSENSE BRITAX RÖMER BABY-SAFE 5Z2 CYBEX ATON M i-SIZE CYBEX CLOUD Z i-SIZE P…